Kunzler Bean & Adamson’s Defamation practice group recently obtained two victories
Kunzler Bean & Adamson’s Defamation practice group recently obtained two victories in separate cases under a new Utah statute that raises unique challenges for defamation plaintiffs.

The Uniform Public Express Protection Act (UPEPA), passed in 2023, imposes heightened burdens on defamation plaintiffs, forcing them to either provide significant evidence in support of their claims from the outset of a case or face dismissal. Our defamation team, led by Ryan Bell, recently filed two cases on behalf of KB&A clients. The defendants in both cases filed motions to dismiss under the new statute. KB&A won the right to take extraordinary discovery in both cases, and then prevailed against both motions to dismiss, winning a resounding victory before one court and reaching agreement with the defendant in the other case to withdraw their motion.

This statute is part of a new wave of anti-SLAPP legislation that is currently spreading through many states, raising new challenges and risks for defamation plaintiffs. These laws provide an additional example of the hazards of pursuing defamation claims without the aid of true specialists in this complex field. The KB&A defamation team continues to leverage its significant experience in defamation law to secure outstanding outcomes for its clients.
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